
Daughters of Khaine: Doomfire Warlocks / Dark Riders Online now

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Daughters of Khaine: Doomfire Warlocks / Dark Riders


This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 5 Doomfire Warlocks. Withered and gaunt – almost to the point to desiccation – they immediately strike the observer as pained and tortured beings, their faces twisted into sneering expressions of hate. They can be armed with cursed scimitars or doomfire crossbows, and are equally expert at using both while atop their dark steeds. These are large, armoured war horses, with evil-looking spurs on each leg, enormous, vicious teeth and runes emblazoned upon their flanks. The unit leader, a Master of Warlocks, can be identified by his twin-bladed scimitar and unique masked face.

The Doomfire Warlocks come as 98 components, and are supplied with 5 60mm Oval